Nightlife Entrepreneurs

The Global Rise of Non-Alcoholic Bars and the Benefits They Bring to Our Community

The world of nightlife is constantly evolving and in recent years, one trend that has been on the rise is the global popularity of non-alcoholic bars. From London to Los Angeles, cities all over the world are seeing an increase in bars that serve up non-alcoholic drinks and a nightlife experience that doesn't revolve around alcohol.

So why the sudden interest in non-alcoholic bars? For one, many people are looking for healthier options when it comes to socializing and having a good time. With growing awareness of the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, more and more people are seeking alternatives that don't involve getting drunk or hungover.

Another factor is the rise of sobriety and the "sober curious" movement. A growing number of people are choosing to live a sober lifestyle, whether it's for health, personal, or spiritual reasons. Non-alcoholic bars provide a welcoming and supportive environment for people who are sober or are looking to reduce their alcohol consumption.

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Nightlife and the recession

 The nightlife industry, like many others, has been hit hard by the ongoing recession. 

In the short term, the recession has meant that many nightclubs, bars, and other venues have been forced to close their doors. According to a survey by the Night Time Industries Association, around 60% of nightclubs in the UK alone had to close permanently since the pandemic began. In the US, the National Independent Venue Association estimated that 90% of independent venues were at risk of closing permanently. 

But as with any crisis, there's always an opportunity to be found.

The nightlife industry will have to adapt and evolve in order to survive. Many nightlife entrepreneurs pivoted to online platforms to reach customers. Virtual events such as online concerts and DJ sets became popular in 2020, and some nightclubs even started streaming their events online. As more people were staying at home and looking for ways to socialize, these online offerings provided a sense...

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With crisis comes opportunity

I am definitely a firm believer that we should not be frustrated or down once we arrive at a crisis but don't take it from me. It was Albert Einstein who said, “in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” 

Notice he even used the adjective: "great" to describe the opportunities that lie ahead.

Of course, we know that Einstein was not talking about a worldwide pandemic at the time but he did not exclude any crisis either, and here is why I believe that it applies.

The immediate reaction from people when a crisis begins is confusion, anxiety, fear, and disbelief. You don't have to feel all of them but it is very likely that you will go through at least one of them. Some people may go as far as all of the above. You may even see a few people who experience panic which is even more advanced. 

So, how do all of those feelings turn into opportunities? I know it sounds awful and now that we have all gone through a worldwide crisis we can all understand...

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The counselors advice

The year was 1993 and I had just graduated from high school just like most students at the time I had no idea what I wanted, but I thought I knew it all. Being eighteen years old and finishing high school gave me and almost everyone I knew a false sense of power and a strange feeling of supremacy. All of a sudden we were better than everyone, we were the big boys, we did not want to ask any more questions, because we knew all the answers. Even our parents became inferior to us, I mean what would they know, they are so old and don't understand the world the way we do.  I am not sure if this resonates with you, but this is my story for sure.

I was one of those kids that started college in the summer in order to get a head start from all others, I mean I wanted to conquer the world and there was no way that I would go on vacation for three months when I knew that I could get started on my career and start earning the big bucks.

Accounting is what I called my career at...

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More than a club promoter

As bad as it sounds I have clients today that come to me for a drink or two who were born when I started in the nightlife business.

The crazy thing is that it all started as a hobby yet twenty-some years later it has become a career and a lifestyle. The good thing is that those clients who were born when I started as a nightclub promoter are now of legal age to have those drinks.

I decided to write this blog in order to educate people a bit more about what it is that I do for a living, and maybe to even educate some of my fellow club promoters and help them turn into nightlife entrepreneurs but what is a nightlife entrepreneur you may ask yourself? and the answer is not so simple, therefore I will be posting pieces of the puzzle that is my job today and the way I came to it or it came to me.

Back in 1994 when I first decided to start an adventure with a group of high school friends and begin a small business out of the idea that we could GET PAID for throwing parties...

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